Blogging has become a weapon to fight a war in the blogging field and the main necessity to win it is traffic..A blog with high quality posts and with no traffic is an epic failure.So toady we have some tips for you,which can increase your blog's traffic.Traffic can't be built up in a second,It will take many months to build up your traffic.You will have to put in a lot of efforts if you really wan to get some traffic.So,Lets get started.
#1.Social Networks
Promoting your blog in Social Networks will divert huge number of traffic to your blog.The best place to promote is Facebook which ranked as #2 by alexa.Twitter is a good alternative for Facebook but nothing can actually replace it.Create a page for your blog and also make a group for you blog memebers,All these will get you huge number of traffic from Facebook.
#2.Comment In Other Blogs
Commenting in other blogs is an effective way of diverting traffic to your blog.But be sure to comment in a nice way,It should be praising the author but at the same time it should feature your article.For example if i want to promote this article i would comment-"great post Buddy,Check this out-(LINK) to promote this post to get more traffic".This would impress the author and your comment will not be removed.And try to comment in DoFollow Blogs.They are the blogs which have a DoFollow Comment system.You can find a long list of Dofollow blogs here.
#3.Guest Post
Guest post in other blogs and leave a backlink of your blog.This will get you a huge number of visitors.And leaving a backlink will improve your Ranking and also your SEO.But never take up too many guest posts,It will make you busy and you won't have any time left for your blog.
#4.Internal Linking
Even redirects of your own posts from your own blog will be counted in your page views so link some words to other post,But remember the words to be related to the post,Otherwise it will effect your ranking.You can use a "SEE ALSO-(LINK)" at the end of your post or you can link some complex words a post.
#5.Add Share Buttons
Add some share buttons below every posts,If a user finds it inetresting he will surely share it and it will increase your traffic automatically.Ask your friends to share your posts on their social profiles and ask them to comment to.You can use the new feature of Google + Comment system by blogger,Even this would help you increase your traffic.
#6.Its Your Turn
Try all the tips provided and try something new to improve your traffic.Nothing can be done without you focusing on your blog,But be sure to write quality posts and be unique.Be sure to comment your results and your blogs improvement here.